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The Journey (Grief Support Group)

Walking alongside those on their grief journey. You need not walk alone.

The Journey

Walking alongside those on their grief journey. You need not walk alone.

Born out of the desire to care for the broken-hearted, The Journey exists to help those who are grieving the loss of a loved one.

In a world that is often grief avoidant, we want to offer a safe place to find understanding, hope, care, and compassion on your journey.


We believe that it is possible to experience healing from life’s losses. We also believe that walking alongside others in our grief is beneficial to our healing process.

Within the group there are opportunities to learn, reflect and question the grief process.

We are here to listen and allow you to voice the ache in your heart. Through this group process we shall come to understand that working through our grief can be an overall healthy and beneficial experience (mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually).


No matter where you are on your grief journey, we offer groups and resources to help.

Contact Dawn


or call


Next Session: Thursday nights starting April 6th to June 15th 2023

F.A.Q: are the facilitators of this group qualified?

The facilitators of The Journey Grief Support Group bring with them academic training in bereavement education as well as the deep personal experience of loss.

They have a passion for the broken-hearted and it is their desire to help individuals find healing on their grief journey.

F.A.Q: WHAT will this group actually look like?

The group will meet once a week for 2 hours (from 7pm to 9pm) for a period of 10 weeks.

They provide a curriculum based structure with a topic-based format. Each week a new topic will be introduced for discussion.

Some of the topics for discussion include:

* Are my feelings normal or am I going crazy?

* What should I expect on the journey of grief?

* What are some of the factors that complicate my grief?

* How can I prevent getting stuck in grief?

* What do I do with the "why" questions?

* Is there life after death and what is unique about the Christian perspective?

* What can I learn from my grief experience?

* Who am I now (issues of identity)?


Walking Through The Wilderness of Grief

This group is designed for adults.

We will be taking guided nature walks in various locations in the Newmarket/Aurora and surrounding areas, finishing each gathering with a circle debrief to discuss our feelings of loss – and sharing strategies to work through that loss in healthy and meaningful ways.

Whether loss of a loved one, loss experienced as a result of life changes, or loss as a general feeling of a life unanticipated or unplanned for, we will together work through the emotional, physical, mental and spiritual challenges. There is no charge for this group. 

Coming Spring 2023/Dates TBD