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Join the mission

Want to be great in God’s Kingdom? You need to be a servant. That’s not a popular cultural word but it is a Biblical one (Mark 10:43).

The fact is, there are great joys and fulfillment in serving the church, the community, the needy and knowing and using our distinct spiritual gifts. That’s what it means to be the church.

Remember, serving was never meant to be an endurance contest. It should actually be a great fit with your passions and giftings.  There are no lifetime contracts signed in blood. Try a serve position for a season or a semester or even just a Sunday until you find your fit.

Much like the challenge to give, God doesn’t need our service as much as we need to serve. It changes us. It grows us. We meet a whole new team of like-minded friends and we experience the joy of making an eternal difference.

Where do YOU fit?

Creative Arts

The privilege of communicating the gospel through all the creative means possible is available to artists here at NAC. The good news is so rich and worth celebrating, it needs more than just preachers; it needs the full expression of creative gifts God has gifted the church with.

  • Actors
  • Artists
  • Decorating/Set Design
  • Directors
  • Film editing
  • Graphic design
  • Musicians
  • Photographers
  • Worship leadership
  • Writers
  • Videographers
  • Vocalists

Technical Arts

This unheralded but indispensable ministry plays a key part in communicating the gospel.  Everything that is seen and heard on Sunday and beyond is first filters through this team. Like a referee, you’re only noticed when something goes wrong. It’s thankless in many ways but for that uniquely gifted individual, you’ll know that the impact is eternal.

  • Computer/Projection/Lighting
  • Podcast maintenance
  • Sound mixing
  • Web/Social Media maintenance

Children & Student Ministry

You may have heard it said that children and youth are “the future of our church”. At Newmarket Alliance Church we believe children and youth are very much the church TODAY. Is this just glorified babysitting? Far from it! The statistics confirm that two-thirds of practising Christians made that decision between the ages of 4-14. This is the most crucial time of faith development. ROCK youth itself has an amazing legacy of leadership development with an extraordinary amount of alumni who have become ministry leaders and culture influencers. Whether behind-the-scenes or working directly with kids & students, this is a profoundly vital serve.

Soul Care

Pastoral care is not reserved for the ordained, it happens daily when someone invites another into a continual relationship while challenging that person to discover his’ or her’s true identity. We recognize the disciple-making plan of Jesus doesn’t take place in one day, it takes time, care and investment.

  • Care, Counsel, and Visitation
  • Grief Share Team
  • Prayer Team
  • Small Group Leader or Apprentice
  • Spiritual Freedom Team
  • Teaching



Not everyone has been wired to be an “up-front” minister but there are equally vital roles behind the scenes that maintain the heathy running of a church.  The Apostle Paul even sets this gifting alongside the more sensational gifts of “healing” and “miracles” (1 Cor. 12:28)

  • Building Rental Liaison
  • Office Administrative Projects
  • Tellers

First Impressions Team

“Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms . . . if anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever.” 1 Peter 4:9-11

 This teams goal is to move our guests into meaningful relational connection by extending various forms of hospitality to one another and providing a great first impression of our church and God’s people.

  • Greeters
  • Ushers
  • Welcome Desk Hosts
  • Hospitality Team