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How to BE the Church. A Study in the Book of Acts

There might be as many opinions as there are people as to what it means to BE the Church and BE a true disciple Sometimes in the business world, when the organization begins to drift or lose their core values, there is a strategic effort to return to the founder's vision and template. I can't help but think our "Founder's" vision and values for The Church and for true discipleship can best be found in the unique book of Acts There isn't a boring page to be found and some of the narratives are so radical, one might ask "could this even happen in 2024?" Yes. I think it can. We are planning to dig deep into all 28 chapters and hope that you will join in the journey... perhaps by reading ahead, bringing your Bible & notebook, or most of all asking yourself every week: "How can I translate this first-century expression of being the Church into my 21st-century context for the sake of being Jesus' witness everywhere I go?"