Why Do We Give?

Every donation, no matter the size, makes a difference. We believe that Jesus calls us to radical generosity, so we give out of the gladness of our hearts.

Here's how your contribution helps:

  • What did Jesus say?

    A lot actually. Sixteen of the thirty-eight parables were concerned with how to handle money and possessions. In the Gospels, an amazing one out of ten verses (288 in all) deals directly with the subject of money. The Bible offers 500 verses on prayer, less than 500 verses on faith, but more than 2,000 verses on money and possessions.

    Jesus says (Matt. 6:24) that the top competitor for our commitment to Him is money. Would anyone disagree that money is the source of much of our culture’s waking pursuit, passion, and thought life?

    Giving allows us to demonstrate that Jesus is more important to us than material things. There is no organization with more potential to change the world than the local church!

    At Newmarket Alliance Church we recognize that...

    - Ultimately God owns everything

    - You can’t “out-give” the generosity of God

    - Faithful giving is a sign of a maturing believer

  • Automate the important

    You’ve probably learned that if you wait until you are “rolling in it” to give to the things you value, it probably won’t happen. So, whether it’s contributing to your retirement, your kid’s education fund, your mortgage (the banks tend to care), your insurance (the police tend to care) or any number of “can’t miss” payments, we tend to Automate what is important to us. That is, we literally schedule our payments and contributions – set it and forget it. (Don’t you wish you could do that with Birthdays and Anniversaries?)

    The idea of automating what we value or find important certainly applies to our relationship and obedience to God. The Bible talks about the concept of “first fruits” - putting our obedience and giving to God above any secondary loyalty.

    Here at Newmarket Alliance Church, we’re so grateful for the generosity of so many people who financially support the mission and vision of the church.

    Online giving is safe, secure and 100% free. It’s a great way to be intentional about honouring God through generosity.

    If it’s important, then consider making it automatic.

  • F.A.Q’s About Giving


    A tithe—which just means “tenth”—is defined as the first 10% of a person’s income. For most, this seems like an impossible. When we bring our first and best back to God, He promises to bless the rest. We can’t out-give God. We know tithing is a huge step of obedience, but you’re not in this alone! Check out the video to learn more.



    Year-end tax receipts are made available somewhere near the end of February.


    All contributions must be received or postmarked by December 31 in order to be included on your contribution statement for that year. Any online contributions must also be initiated by December 31.


    We’ve all needed help with our finances at one time or another. There’s no shame in that. Wisely managing our finances and budgeting are learned skills. So, if you’re feeling stuck in your finances, or just not sure where to go for help understanding it all, our “compassion committee” might be able to help. We also periodically offer great budgeting courses.

  • Where does my donation go?

    Your contributions obviously help fund our ministry staff and maintain our church facility as a welcoming and safe space for worship, prayer, and community events.

    But a generous percentage of our total budget goes OUTSIDE our church walls, reaching those in need both locally and globally.

    See some of our great ministry partners below.

    Our transparent budgeting process is vetted through a Board of Deacons, and Elders and then scrutinized by our NAC membership for approval.

    We also enlist the services of chartered accountants to ensure our CRA compliance and integrity.